While its not an exhaustive list, some general best practices include: 

  • Be social, support others , Give for the sake of giving

  • Don't take a mission you will not complete.  

  • Be polite to others.

  • Invest in those that invest in you.  If newer to EA, the mature players do not expect a 1 to 1 match.

  • Participate in community events.

  • Setting up of missions, giving a description so people can decide if they would like to take the mission

  • communication via comment and shoutout

  • Work it daily  2) Be kind to others  3) Have fun!

  • Show support to your shareholders, as they are the ones that maintain your share price. When doing missions, complete them to the best of your ability. It is said that to have friends, you must be one.

  • Have fun!  Invest in others!  Engage in social activity off-site!

  • Try to connect with users on all SoMe networks if asked. Reach out to new people. Play Nicely. Buy shares, complete missions.

  • Be consistent 2. Golden rule stuff - be an ADULT - pretend your last name is Maslowe? 3. Stay active 4. Put yourself in THEIR shoes - what would that player prefer you did?

  • Always do the gift and investment missions first as they are the easiest and provide the most money . Then buy shares in others. Always Like, comment and provide feedback. Be Cooperative and share