Missions are a great way to ask people to interact with your social media content that you worked so hard to curate and/or create. Just like a blog post or a social media post, it should be crafted carefully and shouldn’t be taken lightly. 

In order for a mission to get quality completions, they should contain the following: 

  • a descriptive, unique mission title - to help convince the mission completer to click/open your mission. 
  • a descriptive unique mission description that explains what - to help convince the mission completer to take your mission. 
  • a valid (working) link so the mission completer doesn’t get a 404 (page not found). 

And missions should NOT contain the following: 

  • any word that implies asking for likes, shares, and comments in the mission title or the mission description. 
  • repeated words or phrases that are copied right after each other. 

Some tips and things you should when you make a mission:

  • Ask yourself...If I was the mission completer, would I want to visit this type of content? 
  • Ask yourself...how many eaves would I want to receive for this type of content I'm sharing?